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点击: 时间:2020-12-18 20:06:14



Nemo:Like most living creatures the pigeon quickly associates the pressing of a lever with reward.But when a timer releases the steal automatically every 20 seconds,the pigeon wonders what I did to deserve this?If it was flapping its wings at the time it will continue to flap convinced that its action have a decisive influence on what happens.We call this "Pigeon Superstition".


Nemo:Why do we remember the past but not the future?


Nemo:If you mix the mashed potatoes and sauce you can't separate them later.It's forever.The smoke comes out of daddy's cigarette but it never goest back in.We can not go back.That is why is hard to choose.You have to make the right choice.As long as you don't choose.Everything remains possible.


Nemo:What happens when we fall in love?As a result of certain stimuli, the hypothalamus releases a powerful discharges of endorphins.But why exactly that woman or that man?Is there a release of auto-lose pheromones that correspond our complimentary genetic signal?Or, is it physical feutures that we recognize?The mother's eyes?A smell that stimulates a happy memory?Is love part of a plan?A vast war plan between two modes of reproduction.Bacteria and viruses are asexual organisms. With each cell division, each multiplication, they mutate and perfect themselves much quickly than we do.()They mutate and perfect themselves much quickly than we do.Against this we respond with the most fiercing weapon: sex.Two individuals by mixing their genes, shuffle the cards and create an individual who resists viruses better, the more disimilar he or she is.Now, are we unknowing participance in a war between a war 2 modes of reproduction?


Nemo:On that day,I'll make a lot of foolish decisions.One,I will never leave anything to chance again.Two,I will marry the girl on my motorcycle.Three,I'll be rich.Four,we'll have a house.A big house.Painted yellow with a garden.And two children,Paul and Michael.Five,I'll have a convertible.A red convertible.And a swimming pool.I'll learn to swim.Six,I will not stop until succeeded.


Nemo:It's not life without you.


Nemo:You don't exist.Neither do I.We only live in imagination of a 9 year old child.We are imagined by a 9 year old child.



在2092年的未来,火星已成了地球人热衷的度假胜地。118岁高龄的尼莫诺巴蒂(杰瑞德·莱托 Jared Leto 饰)是最后一位仍未死亡的自然人。记忆混乱的他在一次次的催眠及采访之中不断回忆自己的童年,却在每个人生分岔点都衍生出完全不同的人生。在这些不同的版本中,有母亲(娜塔莎·雷托 Natasha Little 饰)和父亲(瑞斯·伊凡斯 Rhys Ifans 饰)离婚后再婚而变成了尼莫“妹妹”的安娜(黛安·克鲁格 Diane Kruger 饰),有身患抑郁症婚后情绪不稳的埃莉斯(萨拉·波莉 Sarah Polley 饰),还有与他育有三名子女的亚洲女孩吉恩(范林丹 Linh Dan Pham 饰)。交织在宇宙大爆炸理论、超弦理论和时间特性的解释中,尼莫的人生真相究竟为何呢?

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