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1.I know the last time we saw each other, we weren't exactly hitting the sweetest notes-certain wasn't the way I wanted the trip to end. I suppose I'm responsible and for that, I'm sorry. But in all honestly, if I had the chance, I'd do it again. Virginia said I left a stranger and came back a husband; I owe that to you. There's no way I can repay you for all you've done for me, so rather than try, I'm just going to ask you to do something else for me-find the joy in your life. You once said you're not everyone. Well, that's true-you're certainly not everyone, but everyone is everyone. My pastor always says our lives are streams flowing into the same river towards whatever heaven lies in the mist beyond the falls. Find the joy in your life, Edward. My dear friend, close your eyes and let the waters take you home.我们最后一次相处,两人闹了一点小别扭。我也不希望旅程像那样结束。我猜是我的错,我要向你道歉。但老实说有机会,我还是会那么做。维吉尼亚说我离开时是一个陌生人,回来以后又是她的丈夫了。这一切都要感谢你。我无法报答你对我做的一切,所以我不会尝试。我只想让你替我做一件事,找到你生命中的喜悦。你说过你和一般人不同,这倒是真的。你真的很特别,但是每个人的需求都差不多。我的牧师老是说:生命就像流水,流向同样的大河,流向藏在瀑布后面的天堂。找到你生命中的喜悦,我亲爱的朋友。闭上双眼,让河水带你回家。

2.I'll keep that in mind as I approach decrepitude.   小的会牢记在心,知道灯尽油枯的那一天。

3.We'd lost something along the way.       同路走了那么久,才发现有些东西已经一逝不返了。

4.Three things to remember when you get older.Never pass up a bathroom.never waste a hard-on,and never trust a fart.        等你老了,要记得三件事。想尿别谦让,硬了就快上,屁要小心放。

5.we live,we die.and the wheels on bus go round and round.      我们出生,然后死去,历史的车轮滚滚向前。

6.Hard to do them both at the same time.   鱼和熊掌不可兼得。

7.It't difficult to understand the sum of a person's life.       人生的意义是什么,答案众说纷纭。

8.45 years goes by pretty fast,like smoke through a keyhole.          45年一晃就过去了,如白驹过隙。

9. Some people will tell you it's measured by the ones left behind.Some believe it can be measured in faith.Some say by love.Other folks say life has no meaning at all.


10.I know that when he died, his eyes were closed,and his heart was open.  我知道当他去世时他的双眼是闭上的,而他的心灵却是敞开的



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