首页 >>海底总动员英文台词


点击: 时间:2021-01-12 09:13:52



1.So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view.

2.Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here.

3.But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable.

4.Just think, in a couple of days, we're going to be parents.

5.You got a little closer because it was wiggling.

6.You'll never get out of there yourself.

7.All right, we're excited.The first day of school. Here we go.We're ready to learn to get some knowledge.

8.First, we check to see that the coast is clear.

9.I would feel better if you'd play on the sponge beds.

10.Climb aboard, explorers.

11.OK, don't hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers.

12.You're doing pretty well for a first-timer.

13.All right, kids, feel free to explore.

14.You think you can do these things, but you just can't!

15.He isn't a good swimmer, and it's a little too soon.

16.I'm trying to swim here. Ocean isn't big enough for you?

17.It runs in my family. At least, I think it does.

18.You're wasting my time.

19.Dolphins. Yeah. They think they're so cute.

20.We're all mates here, mate.

21.There's no way out! There's got to be a way to escape!

22.Beauty, isn't he? I found that guy struggling for life.

23.If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb.

24.I remembered what it said! I usually forget things, but I remembered it!

25.Sorry, but they just never work.

26.I really, really, really think we should swim through.

27.We're cheating death now. That's what we're doing.

28.That's one dedicated father, if you ask me.

29.You're really cute, but I don't know what you're saying!

30.I have definitely seen this floating speck before.

31.What is it with men and asking for directions?

32.Hop inside my mouth if you want to live.

33.All drains lead to the ocean.

34.I remember things better with you.

35.We wanted to make sure our newest member got home safely.


主角是一对可爱的小丑鱼父子。父亲马林本来有一个幸福的家庭,但在一场意外中妻子珊珊和大部分孩子都被鲨鱼吃掉,只剩下唯一的儿子尼莫。他们一直在澳洲外海大堡礁中过着安定而"幸福"的平静生活。但在那巨大的打击后鱼爸爸马林一直谨小慎微,行事缩手缩脚,虽然已经身为人父,却丝毫不会影响它成为远近闻名的胆小鬼。也正因为这一点,儿子尼莫常常与马林发生争执,甚至有那么一点瞧不起自己的父亲。直到有一天,在父亲马林的不信任眼神中,游向了停在海上的游轮底部。正当尼莫回返时,却被潜水员捉住了。并将它带到了澳洲悉尼湾内的一家牙医诊所。    在大堡礁的海底,心爱的儿子突然生死未卜的消息,对于鱼爸爸马林来说却无异于晴天霹雳。尽管胆小怕事,如今为了救回心爱的孩子,马林也就只有豁出去了。它决心跟上澳洲洋流,踏上寻找自己儿子的漫漫征程。

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