首页 >>五一劳动节英文祝福语


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五一劳动节英文祝福语         中国人民庆祝劳动节的活动可追溯至1918年。中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月将5月1日定为法定的劳动节。


1.Some 300,000 people gathered in the Tiananmen Square to watch the national flag rise with the sun to mark the prelude to a week-long holiday beginning Wednesday, the International Labor Day.

2.Chen Ronghui, 21, in a cooks uniform, said, It is most special to watch the flag hoisting in a working uniform on the International Labor Day.

3.Chen, from Yangzhou in east Chinas Jiangsu Province, said he planned to climb mountains in the outskirts of Beijing later in the morning.

4.Visitors and natives also had numerous choices to spend their holidays. They could watch performances by some 30 international troupes or visit a book fair. Over 100 museums in Beijing prepared special events for visitors.

5.Parks in Tianjin, a municipality close to Beijing, have put on folk performances such as the drum yangge dance to attract tourists.

6.Still, tens of thousands of others planned to go to tourism cities. Sources with the Capital International Airport in Beijing said they would carry a total of 800,000 passengers during the seven days.

7.Sources added they have 700 flights on Wednesday alone, with 120 by Air China, carrying 70,000 passengers. Their destinations mainly focus on such cities as Chengdu, Kunming, Guangzhou and Dalian.

8.Statistics from Guangzhou show 3.5 million of its citizens are traveling to other cities. It was reported its airport, railway station and bus stations were filled with people.

9.Guangzhou people have a special interest in the western regions and competition has made travel agencies cut their fees by hundreds of yuan or so.

10.Experts said the Chinese had more freedom and choice now. They not only wanted to celebrate their holidays securely, but in highly-qualified and diverse ways.


国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”、“国际示威游行日”(International Workers' Day或者May Day),是世界上80多个国家的全国性节日。定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界劳动人民共同拥有的节日。1889年7月,由恩格斯领导的第二国际在巴黎举行代表大会。会议通过决议,规定1890年5月1日国际劳动者举行游行,并决定把5月1日这一天定为国际劳动节。中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月作出决定,将5月1日确定为劳动节。 1989年后,国务院基本上每5年表彰一次全国劳动模范和先进工作者,每次表彰3000人左右。


1866年,第一国际日内瓦会议提出八小时工作制的口号。1886年5月1日,以美国芝加哥为中心,在美国举行了约35万人参加的大规模罢工和示威游行,示威者要求改善劳动条件,实行八小时工作制。1886年5月3日芝加哥政府出动警察进行镇压,开枪打死两人,事态扩大,5月4日罢工工人在干草市场广场举行抗议,由于不明身份者向警察投掷炸弹,最终警察开枪,先后共有4位工人、7位警察死亡,史称“干草市场暴乱”(Haymarket Riot)或“干草市场屠杀”(Haymarket Massacre)。在随后的宣判中有8位无政府主义者以谋杀罪被起诉,4位无政府主义者被绞死,1位在牢中自杀。



经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的 社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决定立即得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走向街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝,并公众放假。



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